My Africa
Photo: Ray Rui
Have you seen my Africa?
A land of beautiful and witty people
With rich and diverse cultures
A land that knows not gender, religion or status
Where everyone is accepted as equals in their own right
Have you seen my Africa?
A land of milk and honey
Where hunger and suffering knows no one by name
Where wholesome food is tilled from the earth
And available to all without question
Have you seen my Africa?
A land of happy and friendly people
Where families and communities come together
Rejoicing in the successes of one another
Celebrating and dancing to the break of dawn
Have you seen my Africa?
A land where love for neighbour abounds
Where avarice and covetousness are frowned upon
Where talent is recognised and rewarded
Have you seen my Africa?
A continent pregnant with potential
A land of dreams
Waiting to become reality.
About the author
Abby Odiase is a medical doctor and aspiring writer who is based in Lagos, Nigeria. She enjoys writing poems and short stories which inspire as well as entertain her readers. She is currently working on a collection of poems.